2010年4月14日 星期三

Vincent Regan演出作品介紹之二 - The Street(2007) - 訪談文章

忍不住要再抱怨一下,能找到的Vincent Regan訪談實在是少得可憐orz
The Street的劇情介紹在此


Vincent Regan plays Charlie

Vincent Regan was hooked the moment he read the script for The Street. In his episode of Jimmy McGovern's BAFTA and RTS-winning series, the actor plays Charlie.

He is a demolition man who is married with teenage kids. Much to his consternation, he finds himself sexually attracted to a fellow worker, Tom (Will Mellor). Charlie is thrown into turmoil and forced to deceive his wife as he tries to work out his sexuality.

Forty-two-year-old Vincent, who has headlined notable BBC productions such as Murphy's Law, Hustle, Rescue Me, Rebel Heart, and Eureka Street, explains that:

"The moment I read The Street, I was desperate to do it. A lot of scripts have some interesting ideas, but in this one everything fitted so perfectly. There were absolutely no holes in it. It's not every day that you read a script as good as this. The ease with which Jimmy McGovern creates believable characters and situations is truly remarkable."

The actor, who has also appeared in the Hollywood movies 300 and Troy, goes on to describe his character: "Charlie is the quintessential Manchester working man. He's a hard-working, good family man. He seems like a classic working-class hero.

"But of course, there is another side to him. He has buried so many issues very deeply. Because he comes from a working-class background, they have become hidden. So when he has this liaison with Tom, it throws him completely – his whole world is turned upside down."

Vincent expands on the difficulties facing Charlie: "It's an utterly believable situation because he simply can't come out. As he says at one point, 'no one's gay around here.' There is no way he can redesign his life, the social parameters won't allow it.

"The moment his repressed homosexuality flares up, he knows he has to quash it. He becomes far more acutely aware of his sexuality, he finds himself staring at men more. But he realises he can do nothing about his feelings. It's great to act out all this inner conflict it's very liberating!"

The actor, who has also had roles in dramas such as Marple, Lewis, Wild At Heart and Low Winter Sun, carries on that:

"Jimmy's scripts are always so plausible. Even if they appear far-fetched, they are actually spot-on because truth is stranger than fiction. Instead of confronting a problem head-on, his characters always try to avoid it but end up digging a much deeper hole.

"All the episodes in The Street follow the same basic form – a character does one thing and spends the rest of the time trying to cope with the consequences for good or ill. So after Charlie has been with Tom, he wrestles with this dilemma about his sexuality and desperately tries to work out what to tell his wife."

Vincent reveals that he and Will Mellor got on very well, but admits that:

"Our love scenes were slightly embarrassing after all, in real life we're two blue-collar heterosexuals! The funny thing is, while I was doing my scene with Will, my wife [the actress Amelia Curtis] was doing a lesbian scene at the other end of the country in Love Soup. What are the odds of that happening? A few trillion to one!"

Vincent Regan一看到The Street的劇本就為之著迷。在這一集裡,他飾演Charlie。

Charlie是個已婚育有兩個小孩的拆除工人。發現自己對同事Tom(Will Mellor)有肉體慾望,令他相當驚恐。Charlie陷入了一團混亂裡,並不得不欺騙他的妻子,同時他也嘗試著釐清自己的性向。

42歲的Vincent Regan是如此說明的:

"當我讀了The Street的劇本之後,我非常渴望能夠演出。很多劇本裡都有著有趣的構想,但這個劇本將各種元素融合得十全十美。我完全找不到任何漏洞。這麼棒的劇本可不是天天都能得以拜讀的。Jimmy McGovern能夠輕而易舉創造出如此有說服力的角色與情節,實在令人佩服。"

Vincent Regan繼續形容著他所扮演的角色:"Charlie是個典型的曼徹斯特工人。他辛勤工作,為家庭付出。他看起來就像是一個優良工人典範"

"不過他當然也有著另一種面貌。在他的心中埋藏著許多事情。因為他的工人階級背景,這些事情一定得隱瞞著。所以他和Tom偷情這件事讓他完全慌了 - 他的世界起了天翻地覆的變化。"




"The Street每一集都有固定的模式 - 某個角色做了一件事,然後他得要用剩下的時間來收拾善後,不管結果是好是壞。所以在Charlie與Tom發生關係之後,他與自己性向所帶來的困境角力著,並且拼命想著要用什麼說詞來告訴他的妻子。"


"我們的床戲還是有點令人尷尬。在現實生活裡我們兩個都是藍領階級異性戀!有趣的是當我正在和Tom拍這場戲的時候,我太太[女演員Amelia Curtis]也正在英國另一頭拍Love Soup這部戲裡的女同志場景。這機率有多低呢?幾百億分之一!"

另外還有一篇Will Mellor的訪談,這就請有興趣的人自己看了XD

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